We’re proud to announce that HICSS is now ISO 9001:2015 certified

It’s official! After all our hard work we’ve been awarded the prestigious ISO 9001:2015 accreditation. In order to achieve this globally recognised award, we have evidenced our quality management systems, as well as the high level of quality customer service that we provide, while having a strong focus on sustainable healthcare development initiatives.

Our decision to work towards ISO accreditation demonstrates our promise to providing high-quality, trusted services to our clients, and our ongoing commitment to developing our management systems.

To become ISO compliant, we underwent a long and extensive evaluation process that included an in-depth assessment of our quality management systems, a management system documentation review, and an audit of our processes and compliance, which was successful.

What are the benefits of ISO 9001?

Benefits of ISO 9001 Certification include – increased efficiency, international recognition, factual approach to decision making, better supplier relationships, improved customer satisfaction, and greater employee morale.

Essentially, our ISO certifications demonstrate that we have robust, clearly defined procedures in place in all our business areas such as risk management, handling of documents and data, environmental awareness, and strong business continuity processes.