Hospital Integrated Clinical Support Systems (HICSS)

We are 100% NEDi2.1 compliant.


About us


HICSS delivers innovative clinical solutions in line with clinical requirements. Our talented team and experience in the NHS, allow us to be at the forefront in the Endoscopy Management Software (EMS) sector. UHS already has extensive in-depth operational knowledge of HICSS, but more importantly we have 10,000 experts advising how to develop an EPR platform that enables best practice. That means supporting patient service delivery, focusing on user experience, promoting interoperability and open standards.

Our Mission


Our mission is simple, to provide high quality clinical systems, for a fair price and to reinvest any profits directly back into the development of these clinical products.

Our Values

Together we care, innovate and inspire


Patients and families will be at the heart of what we do and their experience within the hospital, and their perception of the Trust, will be our measure of success.


Our clinical teams will provide services to patients and are crucial to our success. We have launched a leadership strategy that ensures our clinical management teams are engaged in the day-to-day management and governance of the Trust.


Our growing reputation in research and development and our approach to education and training will continue to incorporate new ideas, technologies and greater efficiencies in the services we provide.

Our Vision


HICSS delivers innovative clinical solutions in line with clinical requirements. Our talented team and experience in the NHS, allow us to be at the forefront in the EMS sector.


HICSS – Clinical systems developed by the NHS.

HICSS modules to meet your needs

Our solution is modularised in order to customise your healthcare service offering.

HICSS has been a leading clinical system solution provider for 20 years and has been developed in partnership with practising clinicians for use by clinicians
